Welcome / Accueil

Aromathicare Inc. is a small family business that recently came to life in 2018.

Our mission is to empower you with useful knowledge and natural solutions in order to bring help and support in your challenges related to health and wellbeing.

Our Certified Aromatherapist offers one-on-one consultations allowing her to learn about you and understand your personal experience.

Every person is unique, so we believe in a face-to-face holistic approach to health. We strongly believe a healthy BODY, MIND, SPIRIT AND SOUL is needed to be in harmony with nature and with those around us.

We make fresh, handmade, natural and personalized aromatherapy products in compliance with Health Canada’s laws and regulations. We only use ecological, organic, green, cruelty-free ingredients.

Our values are: Respect, Integrity, Compassion and Caring for others.

Our vision is to create synergy and harmony between the nature and the human body.

Who we are / Qui sommes nous


What are the chances to have a doctor, a nurse and an aromatherapist under the same roof? Right! Very rare indeed!

I am passionate about chemistry, natural healing and exploration of the wonders of this world. My life and academic routes are anything but “standard”. First, I became a medical doctor in my native Romania (1996), then a nurse in my adoptive country Canada (2001), then obtained a master’s degree in management (2011) and last but not least a certification in Aromatherapy (2018).

Since childhood, I was fascinated by the powers of the medicinal herbs, ointments and concoctions that my grandparents and parents gave me and other family members when we were sick. There was scarcity of pharmaceutical drugs and products in those days, so a lot of plants were used for their therapeutic properties. With all the knowledge and experience that I have accumulated in the medical field along the years, I am now looking forward to putting all this to good work and helping those in need around me.



As I enjoy studying and learning new things, I went ahead and invested myself in two bachelor degrees, one in Romania and one in Canada. I can now use the knowledge and experience I have gained in linguistics and business administration in my new exciting role as partner in my dear sister’s enterprise. While working fulltime in the human resources field, in my free time I am interested in helping out my fellow humans in other ways. I believe in the idea of a better life, closer to Mother Nature and to the ancient healing ways. Like Adriana, I am convinced natural products and methods can bring a healthy balance to our lives. With this project close to our hearts we are trying to spread the word out there and as much soothing and healing as possible to all of you around me.